Are Dental Fillings Necessary for Cavities?

Are Dental Fillings Necessary for Cavities?

May 1, 2022

If you suspect you have a cavity, you think a filling is inevitable because your dentist in Wynnewood, PA would suggest you have it treated right away. Unfortunately, dental fillings for cavities haven’t gone out of fashion, nor have holes started avoiding human teeth. In reality, tooth decay is a chronic condition affecting many who seek help from dentists and receive tooth fillings.

Are dental fillings in Wynnewood, PA the sole remedy available to treat cavities? Earlier dentists were filling every cavity making you uncomfortable and scared about visiting them. Fortunately, dentistry advances and technology now permit dentists to offer alternatives to dental fillings. The other options depend on the size and depth of the cavity besides your risk of developing cavities and your dental hygiene routine. Therefore you might not need dental fillings if the dentist suspects you have a hole in your tooth suitable for alternatives to dental fillers.

Are Dental Fillings Essential to Treat Cavities?

Dental fillings are helpful to treat cavities because the dentist removes the decayed part of the tooth and places a filling to prevent the damage from expanding. However, removing a cavity without filling the hollow space doesn’t serve the purpose unless the dentist provides a method to reverse the decay.

If you have a microcavity on the enamel of your tooth, you might not need to get dental fillings. The condition is specific and particular if you have had cavities earlier and practice excellent dental hygiene. In such cases, a supplemental fluoride rinse recommended by the dentist might help to reverse the microcavity. Whether the hole in your enamel resembles the description provided is determined by your dentist.

What Happens to Micro Cavities over Time?

Microcavities limited to the enamel are called decalcification by dentists. They are reversible with excellent dental hygiene, including brushing twice a day for two minutes each, flossing at least once, and using a fluoride mouthwash. In addition, your dentist might recommend professional fluoride varnish treatments to remineralize your teeth and strengthen tooth enamel.

You might think professional fluoride treatments are another hassle and will saddle you with unnecessary expenditure. However, if you consider cavity fillings cost approximately $ 100-$ 300 per tooth and fluoride treatments cost merely $ 10-$ 30 or more from the dentist in a treatment requiring merely 30 minutes, you will undoubtedly prefer the latter because it helps you to avoid a procedure you are terrified of.

If your dentist recommends decalcification with professional fluoride treatments to treat cavities, kindly accept the proposal because they are helping you avoid the procedure you think is fearsome.

Types of Cavities That Need Fillings

Over time you might find it challenging to monitor every cavity in your mouth, and so does your dentist in Wynnewood, PA. Some niches undoubtedly need treatments with dental fillings, crowns, root canals, or extraction. If you are diligent with your dental exams, dental fillings in Wynnewood, PA, will determine whether your tooth needs fillers or more effective treatments to eliminate the infection.

Dental fillings help treat tooth decay for minor or significant cavities. However, tooth decay permanently damages your teeth that have no mechanism to heal themselves. The optimal way to safeguard your tooth and prevent further damage is to have dental fillings from the dental facility mentioned above and prevent the need for more significant treatments. If you have a cavity that has progressed beyond the tooth enamel, causing pain and sensitivity, the best option is to have the dentist remove the cavity to prevent decay from expanding and place dental fillings according to your preferences into it.

Will You Accept Your Dentist’s Proposal for Decalcification of Micro Cavities?

You will likely accept your dentist’s proposal to declassify your teeth if you have microcavities on them. However, are you willing to accept the responsibility of maintaining excellent dental hygiene? The dentist recommends that you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and at night before bed for two minutes each, floss your teeth at least once and use a fluoride mouth rinse besides your typical dental routine to remineralize microcavities. You must also schedule regular appointments with your dentist in Wynnewood, PA to ensure the professional can assess the progress of tooth remineralization. Dentists can also assess teeth and watch for signs of cavities expanding and becoming sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

If you suspect cavities in your teeth, please visit Wynnewood Dental Arts for an evaluation to determine whether they need fillings or be de-calcified using alternatives to dental fillings.

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